Amazon is quite possibly one of the most impressive success stories in the hallowed hall of internet-based corporations. What started as a humble online bookstore with an unusual name has now expanded to encompass seemingly everything: shopping, media, cloud storage, remote computing framework, and even mobile devices. It has partially-automated shipping warehouses and wants to deliver packages via drones. Heck, its founder Jeff Bezos has even purchased The Washington Post. The only thing Amazon isn’t successful at seems to be making a killing in profits, as the company’s customer-friendly business model doesn’t lend itself especially well to Apple-esque financial gains. Still, investors are absolutely smitten with the company.
To say that everyone wants a piece (of Amazon) is an understatement, and though many companies hope to aspire to its level of greatness, none have truly succeeded on a multi-national level… yet. According to a report by The Wall Street Journal, however, Google is actively seeking to become a more visible and vicious competitor.
Changes planed by Google would reportedly affect the way the Google Shopping portal operates: as things currently work, users are presented with links to retailer’s websites wherein they can purchase the desired item(s) they searched for. The drawback of the current shopping method is that users are less likely to complete a purchase because the third-party site would require registration, both of personal and payment information, in order to complete the sale. The more work that needs to be done, the less likely any given person is to do it.
The solution is therefore to simplify matters. Apparently the folks at Mountain View have offered online retailers to create a “buy” button for the Google Shopping site, thus serving to emulate the “one-click ordering” offered by Amazon: this will ensure potential customers go through Google to complete their purchase, and, as shopper’s information would already be on-file [with Google] the transaction would indeed be a one-click affair sans any kind of extra work.